1. The Romanian Union of Liberal Professions is a Romanian legal person without a lucrative scope, operating autonomously.

  2. The Romanian Union of Liberal Professions is a non-governmental, apolitical organization, set up on 11th of June 2001, on the basis of Government Ordinance no. 26/2000 that gained legal personality by its registration in the Registry of Associations and Foundations kept by the Law Court.

  3. The Romanian Union of Liberal Professions consists of associations of liberal professions and it is open to the adhesion of all professional organizations and legal persons that fulfil the conditions set out in its Statute. RULP affirms that it represents about 140.000 liberal professionals.

  4. The Romanian Union of Liberal Professions has a status of a full member of the European Council of Liberal Professions - CEPLIS and the World Union of Professions - WUP. RULP participates in the social dialogue organized within the framework of the Economic and Social Council of Romania, where it has a status of a full member.

Member asociations of RULP:

  1. The Chamber of Romanian Architects;
  2. The Chamber of Financial Auditors of Romania;
  3. The National Association of the Romanian Bar;
  4. The Romanian Chamber of Fiscal Consultants;
  5. The National Association of Registred Valuators of Romania;
  6. The National Association of Judicial Officers;
  7. The College of Pharmacists from Romania;
  8. The Notary Public National Union of Romania;
  9. The Romanian National Association of Practitioners in Insolvency;
  10. The Romanian Social Worker National College;
  11. The Romanian Management Consultancies Association - RMCA
  12. The Romanian Chamber of Patent Attorneys - RCPA;
  13. The Body of Technical Experts Association of Romania;
  14. The Romanian Surveyors' Union;
  15. The Veterinarians' College of Romania;
  16. The Romanian College of Osteopaths;
  17. Association of Bankruptcy Administrators and Official Receivers of the Republic of Moldova.