The operation of the Romanian Union of Liberal Professions is ensured by:

    The General Assembly

  1. The General Assembly is the supreme management body of the Romanian Union of Liberal Professions ant it includes all its members. Each member is entitled to one vote;
  2. The General Assembly is convened every year and whenever it is summoned by the Executive Board;
  3. The main attributions of the General Assembly are:
    1. it adopts the Statute of the Union and any future amendaments;
    2. it approves the income and expense budget, as well as the annual balance sheet of the Union;
    3. it elaborates, amends and completes the strategy, the general objectives and the purpose of the UPLR;
    4. it establishes the subscription fees of the members;
    5. it elects and revokes the members of the Executive Board and the Auditor;


        The Executive Board

    1. The Executive Board is the governing executive body of the Union and it consists of 3 members who act as President, First Vice - president and Vice - president. They are the representatives of the member associations which obtained the greatest number of votes in the General Assembly, by secret ballot, in decreasing order.
    2. Each member oh the Executive Board is entitled to one vote;
    3. The Executive Board is convened quarterly and whenever it is summoned by the President;
    4. The members of the Executive Board are elected for a mandate of 2 years;
    5. The Executive Board has the following main tasks:
      1. prepares the ordinary and extraordinary sessions of the General Assembly and monitors the application of the decisions adopted by it;
      2. adopts measures with regard to the current activity of the Union;
      3. debates and adopts decisions with regard to the applications for the gaining of the quality of a member in the Union;
      4. approves the specialized commissions with permanent or temporay activity set up to solve the issues of interest for the members of the Union. These commissions study issues specific to their activity and present their proposals for the analysis and approval to the Executive Board of the Union;
      5. appoints the General Secretary of the Union;

          The members of UPLR'S Executive Board are:

      1. Dr. ec. PhD DAN MANOLESCU, President, representing The Chamber of Tax Advisors;
      2. Lawyer CĂTĂLIN-DANIEL FENECHIU, First - Vicepresident, representing The National Association of the Romanian Bar;
      3. Conf. Univ. Dr. VIOREL ANDRONIE, Vicepresident, representing The Veterinarians' College of Romania.


          The President

      1. The President is the representative of the member association obtaining the greatest number of votes in the General Assembly, by secret ballot;
      2. The duration of the President 's mandate is of 2 years;
      3. The President has to hold, as a rule, the position of President of the member associations which he is representing;
      4. The President of the Union has the following main tasks:
        1. represents the Union in relations with third parties;
        2. summons and chairs the sessions of the General Assembly and of the Executive Board;
        3. ensures the promotion of the solidarity, collaboration and permanent communication between UPLR members.

          The first Presidents of the UPLR were Lawyer Calin Andrei Zamfirescu, representing The National Association of the Romanian Bar, Notary Public Dumitru Viorel Manescu, representing
          The Notary Public National Union of Romania, Lawyer Arin Octav Stanescu representing The Romanian National Association of Practitioners in Insolvency, Univ. prof. dr. Ion Anghel, the
          representative of The National Union of Registred Valuators of Romania and Lawyer Mircea Petre Stanculescu, the representative of The National Association of the Romanian Bar,
          Univ. prof. dr. Horia Neamtu, representing The Chamber of Financial Auditors of Romania, Emilian Radu, representing The Romanian National Association of Practitioners in Insolvency,
          Ec. Adrian Vascu, representing The National Association of Authorized Romanian Valuers and Conf. Univ. Gheorghe Ialomițianu, representing the Financial Chamber of Auditors of Romania.


          The Auditor

      1. The Auditor is elected and revoked by the General Assembly of the UPLR, for a 3 years mandate;
      2. The Auditor's role is to ensure the financial control of the UPLR;


          The General Secretariat

          A General Secretariat is operating within the structure of the Romanian Union of Liberal Professions, representing its specialized and technical - administrative body.

          The General Secretariat is managed by a General Secretary.


          The RULP Commissions

          Specialized Commissions with a permanent or temporary activity operate within the Romanian Union of Liberal Professions.
          The specialized Commissions with permanent activity are the following:

          The specialized Commissions study issues specific to their activity and present their proposals for the analysis and approval of the Board of Directors of     the Union.
